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Stem Cell and Regenerative
Biology Graduate Program



Prof Info.

감태인Tae-In Kam

생명과학대학 뇌인지과학과

발생 및 질환 모델 조직공학 및 오가노이드 최신 줄기세포 연구기술

Lab Info.

뇌-신경질환 연구실은 신경세포의 사멸과 교세포의 신경면역, 나아가 이들의 상호작용에 의한 신경질환의 원인과 병리현상을 연구한다.
고효율 스크리닝을 비롯한 최신 연구 기술 및 줄기세포, 뇌질환 동물모델을 이용하여 알츠하이머 치매와 파킨슨병을 포함한 다양한 뇌질환에서 나타나는 뇌의 현상을 이해하고자 한다.
이러한 연구를 통해, 뇌질환의 발병 원인과 기전을 이해하고, 궁극적인 치료제를 개발하는 것을 목표로 한다.
The BRain and Integrated Neurodegenerative Diseases (BRaIN) Lab / Kam Lab focuses on the neuronal and non-neuronal mechanisms of the pathogenesis of neurological disorders.
We attempt to understand events in the brains of those with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease using a variety of research techniques, including high-throughput screening, human stem cell studies, and preclinical animal models.
The overarching goal of the research is to understand death and survival mechanisms in order to identify novel targets that are essential for the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases and for developing disease-modifying therapies.


  • 2023.4 – 현재 Assistant Professor, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, KAIST
  • 2019.7 – 현재 Assistant & Associate Professor, Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA
  • 2014.1 – 2019.1 : Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Cell Engineering, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA


  • Ph.D. : 2013 Department of Biological Science, Seoul National University
  • B.S. : 2006 Department of Biological Science, Seoul National University

Main Research areas.

  • Neurodegenerative Diseases (Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease)
  • Neuron-Glia Interaction
  • Neuroinflammation
  • Protein Aggregation & Cell-to-Cell Transmission
  • Drug Development

Main Publications.

  • Kang H, Park S, Jo A, Mao X, Kumar M, Park CH, Ahn JY, Lee Y, Choi JY, Lee YS, Dawson VL, Dawson TM, Kam TI#, Shin JH#. "PARIS undergoes liquid-liquid phase separation and poly(ADP-ribose)-mediated solidification" EMBO Reports 2023 Nov 6;24(11):e56166. 
  • Chun YS, Kim MY, Lee SY, Kim MJ, Hong TJ, Jeon JK, Ganbat D, Kim HT, Kim SS, Kam TI# , Han S#. "MEK1/2inhibition rescues neurodegeneration by TFEB-mediated activation of autophagic lysosomal function in a model of  Alzheimer's Disease"   Molecular Psychiatry  2022 Nov;27(11):4770-4780.
  • Park H*, Kam TI*, Peng H, Chou SC, Mehrabani-Tabar AA, Song JJ, Yin X, Karuppagounder SS, Umanah GK, Rao Choi Y, Aggarwal A, Chang S, Kim H, Byun J, Liu JO, Dawson TM, Dawson VL. "PAAN/MIF Nuclease Inhibition Prevents Neurodegeneration in Parkinson’s Disease"  Cell  2022 May 26;185(11):1943-1959.e21.
  • Kam TI, Park H, Chou SC, Vranken JGV, Mittenbühler MJ, Kim H, A M, Choi YR, Biswas D, Wang J, Shin Y, Loder A, Karuppagounder SS, Wrann CD, Dawson VL, Spiegelman BM, Dawson TM. "Amelioration of pathologic α-synuclein-induced Parkinson’s disease by irisin"  Proc Natl Acad Sci USA  2022 Sep 6;119(36):e2204835119.
  • Jo A*, Lee Y*, Kam TI*, Kang SU, Neifert S, Karuppagounder SS, Khang R, Kang H, Park H, Chou SC, Oh S, Jian H, Swing DA, Ham S, Pirooznia S, Umanah GKE, Mao X, Kumar M, Ko HS, Kang HC, Lee BD, Lee YI, Andrabi SA, Park CH, Lee JY, Kim H, Kim H, Kim H, Cho JW, Paek SH, Na CH, Tessarollo L, Dawson VL, Dawson TM, Shin JH. "PARIS farnesylation prevents neurodegeneration in models of Parkinson’s disease"  Science Translational  Medicine  2021 Jul 28;13(604):eaax8891.
  • Kam TI*, Mao X*, Park H*, Chou SC, Karuppagounder SS, Umanah GE, Yun SP, Brahmarchari S, Panicker N, Chen R, Andrabi SA, Qi C, Poirier GG, Pletnikova O, Troncoso JC, Bekris LM, Leverenz JB, Pantelyat A, Ko HS, Rosenthal LS, Dawson TM, Dawson VL. "Poly (ADP-ribose) drives pathologic a-synuclein neurodegeneration inParkinson’s disease"   Science  2018 Nov 2;362(6414):eaat8407.
  • Yun SP*, Kam TI*, Panicker N, Kim S, Oh Y, Park JS, Kwon SH, Park YJ, Karuppagounder SS, Park H, Kim S, Oh N, Kim NA, Lee S, Brahmachari S, Mao X, Lee JH, Kumar M, An D, Kang SU, Lee Y, Lee KC, Na DH, Kim D, Lee SH, Roschke V, Liddelow SA, Mari Z, Barres BA, Dawson VL, Lee S, Dawson TM, Ko HS. "Block of A1 astrocyte conversion by microglia is neuroprotective in models of Parkinson’s disease" Nature Medicine 2018 Jul;24(7):931-938