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Stem Cell and Regenerative
Biology Graduate Program



Prof Info.

정원석Won-Suk Chung

한국과학기술원 생명과학과 부교수, 기초과학연구원 혈관연구단 부연구단장

발생 및 질환 모델

Lab Info.

Our understanding of how the brain is built, maintained, and affected by disorders has evolved significantly.
Recent discoveries highlight that neurons and glial cells use innate immunity mechanisms to regulate each other's functions. Furthermore, cells in the central nervous system (CNS) and its vasculature interact with various immune cells at the CNS borders, influencing the brain’s development, maintenance, and pathology.
Our laboratory is dedicated to uncovering new mechanisms and investigating the role of brain immunity in regulating CNS functions and brain disorders.
Through this research, we aim to significantly advance the understanding of autoimmune disorders, neuroinflammatory diseases, and neurodegenerative diseases, ultimately providing new therapeutic strategies for these challenging conditions.


  • 2024.8 - 현재 Associate director, Center for Vascular Biology, IBS, South Korea
  • 2022.3 - 현재 Associate professor, Department of Biological Sciences, KAIST (with Tenure from March. 2023), South Korea
  • 2016.1 - 2022.2 Assistant professor, Department of Biological Sciences, KAIST, South Korea
  • 2009.3 - 2015.12 Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University/Neurobiology, CA, USA


  • Ph.D. 2003 Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, USA
  • B.S. 2001 School of Pharmacy, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea

Main Research areas.

  • Discover novel roles of glial phagocytosis in brain homeostasis
  • Identify key regulators and their roles in CNS innate and adaptive immunity
  • Investigate interactions between vasculature and CNS immunity in controlling adaptive immune responses at the brain borders.
  • Develop new immunotherapies for various brain disorders.

Main Publications.

  • Byun YG*, Kim NS*, Jeon YS, Choi JB, Park CW, Kim G, Kim K, Jang H, Kim J, Kim E, Han YM, Yoon KJ, Lee SH, Chung WS. Stress evokes mental disorder-like behaviors via astrocytic MERTK-dependent synapse phagocytosis. Immunity. 2023 Jul 26:S1074-7613(23)00318-7. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2023.07.005. PMID: 37527657 (*Equally contributed)
  • Jung H*,Lee SY*,Lim S, Choi HR, Choi Y, Kim M, Kim S, Lee Y, Han KH, Chung WS+, Kim CH+. Anti-inflammatory clearance of amyloid beta by a chimeric Gas6 fusion protein. Nature Medicine, 2022 August (*Equally contributed, +Co-corresponding authors)
  • Lee E*, Jung YJ*, Park YR, Lim S, Choi YJ, Lee SY, Kim CH, Mun JY, Chung WS. A distinct astrocyte subtype in the aging mouse brain characterized by impaired protein homeostasis. Nature Aging, 2022 August (*Equally contributed)
  • Shi X*, Luo L*, Wang J*, Shen H, Li Y, Mamtilahun M, Liu C, Shi R, Lee JH, Tian H, Zhang Z, Wang Y, Chung WS+, Tang Y+, Yang GY+. Stroke subtype-dependent synapse elimination by reactive gliosis in mice. Nat Commun. 2021 Nov 26;12(1):6943. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-27248-x (*Equally contributed, +Co-corresponding authors)
  • Park J, Choi Y, Jung E, Lee SH, Sohn JW, Chung WS. Microglial MERTK eliminates phosphatidylserine-displaying inhibitory post-synapses. EMBO J. 2021 May 19:e107121. doi: 10.15252/embj.2020107121. Online ahead of print.PMID: 34013588
  • Lee JH*, Kim JY*, Noh S, Lee H, Lee SY, Mun JY, Park HJ+,Chung WS+. Astrocytes phagocytose adult hippocampal synapses for circuit homeostasis, Nature, 2021 Feb;590(7847):612-617. doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-03060-3. Epub 2020 Dec 23 (* Equally contributed, +Co-corresponding authors)