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Stem Cell and Regenerative
Biology Graduate Program



Prof Info.

양한슬Hanseul Yang

Department of Biological Sciences

줄기세포 및 분화연구 발생 및 질환 모델

Lab Info.

Laboratory of Stem Cell and Tissue Regeneration 실험실은 우리 몸의 줄기세포가 조직의 항상성과 재생 과정에서 어떻게 일하는지 연구하고 있습니다.
피부와 자궁내막을 모델 기관으로 설정하고 각 조직의 발달과 상처 치유 과정에서 성체줄기세포의 활성화와 분화 기전을 연구합니다.
이를 통해 다양한 질병에 대한 새로운 치료 타겟 분자를 발굴하고 치료법을 제시하고자 합니다.
The Laboratory of Stem Cell and Tissue Regeneration is interested in how stem cells in our body function in tissue homeostasis and regeneration.
Using skin and endometrium as model tissues, we investigate the mechanisms of adult stem cell activation and differentiation during tissue development and regeneration.
The aim is to identify novel target molecules for various diseases and to propose new therapeutic approaches.


  • 2020.9 - 현재 Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, KAIST


  • 2004.3 - 2008.2 B.S. Department of Biological Sciences, KAIST
  • 2008.9 - 2010.2 M.S. Department of Biological Sciences, KAIST
  • 2013.9 - 2018.6 Ph.D. Rockefeller University
  • 2018.7 - 2020.8 Postdoc. Rockefeller University

Main Research areas.

  • Adult stem cell biology
  • Epigenetic regulation of stem cell
  • Single cell analysis

Main Publications.

  • Yang H, Adam RC, Ge Y, Hua ZL, Fuchs E. Epithelial-mesenchymal micro-niches govern stem cell lineage choices. Cell 2017;169(3), 483-496
  • Adam RC*, Yang H*, Ge Y, Lien WH, Wang P, Zhao Y, Polak L, Levorse J, Baksh SC, Zheng D, Fuchs E. Temporal Layering of Signaling Effectors Drives Chromatin Remodeling during Hair Follicle Stem Cell Lineage Progression. Cell Stem Cell, 2018;22(3), 398-413 (*Co-first authors)
  • Adam RC*, Yang H*, Ge Y, Infarinato NR, Gur-Cohen S, Miao Y, Wang P, Zhao Y, Lu CP, Kim JE, Ko JY, Paik SS, Gronostajski RM, Kim J, Krueger JG, Zheng D, Fuchs E. NFI transcription factors provide chromatin access to maintain stem cell identity while preventing unintended lineage fate choices. Nature Cell Biology, 2020;22(6), 640-650. (*Co-first authors)
  • Yang H*, Schramek D*, Adam RC, Keyes BE, Wang P, Zheng D, Fuchs E. ETS family transcriptional regulators drive chromatin dynamics and malignancy in squamous cell carcinomas.eLIFE2015;4, e10870 (*Co-first authors)